

Life is beautiful. Every new art piece is a puzzle in my lifelong learning process sometimes inside Institutions, sometimes outside, as long as it fits in my self-written curricula.

Aaron Kimmig (1989, DE/AT) is a digital artist and activist, working at the self-organized web design/full-stack development collective convive.io since 2016. Before starting his studies in Post-Cocneptual Art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna (in 2017) he did his bachelor degree in International Development at the Main University of Vienna. He focused on postcolonial studies, gender studies and critical whiteness. For his thesis he did research on how the refugee protest movement in Vienna used Social Media for organizing itself.

In his artwork he mainly deals with questions concerning technology as a (societal) tool for both: repression and liberation. Further he explores the algorithms behind biological processes and their digital implementations (swarm, artificial intelligence, human brain and creativity).

He has exhibited in various solo and group exhibitions in Austria and abroad for example at the Austrian Cultural Forum London or WienWoche and was awarded with the 1 place at the Infineon Hackathon 2021 in the Biosensing Track.

Aaron has two daughters and lives in Vienna.

  • 2009 – 2016 BA in International Development at Main University of Vienna
  • Since 2016 working at the self-organized webdesign/full-stack development collective convive.io
  • Since 2017 studying post conceptual art at the academy of fine Arts in Vienna
  • Since Jan 2022 Member at the board of trustees of the ubports foundation

Current Projects/Collectives



Axolotl – Signal for Ubuntu Touch

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